Agronomic performance of mini tomatoes hybrids in different training systems and number of stems

Pablo Forlan Vargas, Leonardo dos Santos Duarte, Edgard Henrique Costa Silva, Amanda Chiarion Zecchini, Renato Silva Soares, Leandro José Grava de Godoy


Currently, Brazil is configured between the world's largest producers of tomato. This production is directed both for the industry and for fresh consumption. Among the different tomatoes groups, mini tomatoes shows a production growth in recent years, due to its high commercial value, and above all, greater price stability at the time of marketing. However, there are few studies with this group for being recent in the country. This work aimed at evaluate the feasibility of mini tomatoes hybrids in different training systems, in greenhouse. The design was a randomized block in a 2x2x4 factorial, with two stems numbers (one and two stems per plant), two training systems (conventional (vertical) and horizontal) and four hybrids (tomato AF 18196, Sakata Seed; tomato AF 13106, Sakata Seed; tomato Nina, Takii Seed; tomato Cocktail Mascot Agristar / Top Seed Premium), with three replications and four plants per plot in the useful area. It was evaluated the production per plant, fruit mass, transversal and longitudinal fruit diameter, number of fruits per plant, number of cluster per plant, number of fruits per cluster, precocity, production cycle, chlorophyll index, soluble solids, and crop cycle. Data were subjected to analysis of variance by F test, and means were compared by Tukey test at 5% probability. The most promising hybrid is AF13106, managed with two stems in the conventional system.



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